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Grand Sage du Conseil
Inscrit le: 25 Avr 2008
Messages: 547
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Posté le : 02/01/2010 11:27:49 Sujet du message : Blocking situtation - Bypass (Spoiler)

I put here the encountered blocking situations with the corresponding bypass thru the console. The post will be updated accordingly.

Reminder : the commands must be preceded by the command DebugMode 1 and followed by the command DebugMode 0.
Click on "Ce message est un spoiler" text to open the spoiler.

When you exit the mine at the Ondolisse Morne, nothing happens. The journal is not updated. (16 Cygni 1)

Ce message est un spoiler, et risque de vous informer de choses que vous auriez dû apprendre par vous même (fin d'un jeu, film, etc). À vos risques et périls (ludiques), vous pouvez le voir en cliquant sur cet avertissement.
Spoiler :
You have read the clue before using the control box, the journal is not updated. Once out of the mine in front of a large wall, launch the conversation which should have fired :
rs sd_debug_conv("teammate", "cv_antenna")

Status : bug corrected, version 1.01.

You have choosen a Yanni teammate but s/he didn't pop up (16 Cygni 1).
Typo in the convo with the robot.
Near the campfire in the forest, through the console :
rs cy_generate("yti_ranger", 1)
Status : bug corrected, ver 1.04.

You have found Imai and Shino near Yamate but you can't close the quest. The journal is not updated.(16 Cygni 2)
A link is missing in the convo with Shino when only one ronin, Takeshi, is in the party. The following commands will bring back Imai in the party (very important) and set the journal :
rs ga_roster_party_add("imai")
rs sd_debug_quest("q_samurai", 70)
Talk to Gisaku to complete the quest.
Status : bug corrected, ver 1.04.

After you got rid of the bandits, the conversation with Alma ends abruptly. The quests 'Childhood's friend and 'Hot show' can't be completed. (16 Cygni 3)
It actually depends on your teammate's alignment. To advance the journal and to get the deserved XP :
rs sd_debug_quest("q_alma", 60)
rs ga_give_quest_xp("q_alma")
then talk again to Alma.
Statut : corrected, ver 1.02 (romance patch)
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