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Log du Chat Neverwinter Connections/Fleestreet
Auteur : Rizzen
Traducteur : Gorkk

Neverwinter Connections - Chat de la Chambre des Communes (* House Of Commons *)
MJs de la Fleet Street - 19 Février 2003

<RedR> Bienvenue à ce nouveau chat de la Chambre des Communes de la communauté de Neverwinter Connections.

<RedR> Au cours de cette discussion, nous parlerons avec l'équipe de la Fleet Street. Ils ont fait du très bon boulot avec NWN et leur monde de jeu.

<RedR> J'aimerais remercier tous ceux qui sont venus ce soir, ainsi que l'équipe de la Fleet Street pour prendre le temps d'accepter notre invitation sur leur emploi du temps très chargé.

<RedR> Comme il a été demandé, ils répondront aux question des usagers. Si vous voulez leur demander quelquechose, merci d'envoyer la question à l'un des receveurs de questions. Ils sont Rezk[QT], Elbast[QT] et Stick668[QT]. MERCI DE NE PAS envoyer de message directement aux membres de la Fleet Street ou n'importe qui d'autre pour poser vos questions.

<RedR> Maintenant je vais laisser la place à la Fleet Street pour qu'ils commencent cet évènement de la HoC par les présentations.


<Duncan> Bienvenue.

<Twoflower> Huzzah.

<OmnIsAway> Content de vous voir tous.

<Graul> Salut les gars.

<SweeneyTodd> bon, évidemment, nous sommes content que tout le monde soit venu ce soir. Nous allons répondre à vos questions concernant la Maitrise d'un Donjon, et bien sûr ça nous fait plaisir d'y répondre.

<SweeneyTodd> Nous parlerons aussi de comment nous faisons les choses à Fleet Street, et peut-être de quelques astuces et tours que nous avons rassemblés en, oh, quelquechose comme 8 mois de maitrise de jeu ? :)

<SweeneyTodd> Bon je vais commencer par un simple 'rapport de mission'.

<Duncan> Depuis Juillet ;)

<SweeneyTodd> donc sept mois.

<SweeneyTodd> En gros, avant d'arriver là, j'écrivais des logiciels, et je tend à suivre les principes de quelquechose appelé "Extreme Programming". Un nom stupide, mais des principes simples.

<SweeneyTodd> Faire les choses le plus simplement possible de façon à ce que ça marche.

<SweeneyTodd> Prévoir, mais pas trop. Faire quelquechose qui marche, mais de petit, et en faire bon usage. Ensuite ajouter quelques petits raffinements au fur et à mesure.

<SweeneyTodd> Nous faisons nos parties avec peu de scripts, et généralement pas de conversations du tout (à part celles du genre 'bonjour, vous pouvez faire vos courses ici').

<SweeneyTodd> Par conséquent, nous essayons de faire beaucoup plus de travail _en_ partie, avec le client MJ. Mais nous trouvons que nous gagnons au change, du fait de la flexibilité accrue qui en découle.

<Duncan> "Des conversations scriptées", c'est-à-dire...

<SweeneyTodd> oui, nous parlons beaucoup, en prenant possession des personnages.

<SweeneyTodd> Je vais vous raconter une anecdote qui s'est produite une fois pour aborder les kicks et ce genre de choses.

<SweeneyTodd> L'une des premières fois où j'ai masterisé une partie c'était avec "Spires of Ravenloft", par Ravenbuilder. J'avais décidé d'héberger, étant donné que nous étions sur le point de jouer et que l'hébergeur initial ne fonctionnait pas correctement.

<SweeneyTodd> Ce que j'ai découvert diw minutes après le début de la partie -- je ne pouvais pas laisser cela se faire de façon cohérente. :) J'ai continué à bidouiller certaines choses, ajoutant des conversations à la volée en prenant le contrôle des personnages...

<SweeneyTodd> En gros, après une heure de jeu, j'ai réalisé que ce que j'étais en train de masteriser n'avait plus grand chose à voir avec l'objectif premier du module.

<SweeneyTodd> C'est alors que j'ai commencé à penser : 'et si je construisais seulement le minimum nécessaire pour servir d'estrade sonore, puisque j'irai probablement à l'encontre de ce que les scripts prévoient de toute façon ?'

<SweeneyTodd> Il faut ajouter à ça le fait que je suis un scripteur plutôt mauvais, donc j'ai simplement choisi d'éviter d'avoir à le faire lorsque c'était possible.

<SweeneyTodd> okay, nous allons répondre aux questions. Je vois qu'il en arrive en ce moment.


Question de devfrag : 'lut. Ma question est : quel pourcentage de leur sessions ont été faite "à la volée" (* "on the fly" *), et quel pourcentage préparé à la main à l'avance ?

<SweeneyTodd> Les réponses arrivent :)

<Twoflower> J'essaye de mettre en oeuvre la fil conducteur de l'histoire avant tout. Une forte narration est une de clefs, selon moi, d'une bonne partie -- ça ne veut pas dire que c'est inflexible, mais c'est comme avoir une liste de choses que vous voulez atteindre pour avancer dans l'histoire. A part ça, rien n'est prévu à l'avance.

<Twoflower> Tout est fait à la volée, des conversations aux retournements de situation en passant par les batailles. Je construits les zones seul (ainsi que tous les scritps à déclencheur nécessaires pour les effets), et le reste est fait à la volée.

<SweeneyTodd> Généralement, j'ai une idée pour une quête, certaines zones, et une grande réserve de PNJs pour remplir différentes fonctions.

<SweeneyTodd> Je prévoie généralement la trame de ce qui se passera dans le jeu... parler à un vieil homme sur les rives de la rivière, écouter ses rumeurs d'or au nord, combattre les orcs dans les grottes...

<SweeneyTodd> mais concernant une scène en particulier, c'est seulement prévu dans le genre 'Okay Bob, ici c'est particulier parce qu'un Gnoll a enlevé sa fiancée, et son chien de compagnie a des verrues. Brode autour de ça.'

<SweeneyTodd> Je dirai qu'environ 10ù de nos sessions sont totalement improvisées à partir d'un 'Hey, faisons une partie, j'ai quelques zones'

Question de RedR : Est-ce ainsi que vous faites depuis le début, ou est-ce que vous vous en êtes rapproché au fil des mois ?

<SweeneyTodd> Mon premier module était plutôt bien prévu -- mais il était misérablement simple.

<SweeneyTodd> Quand je dis simple c'est 'Aider un druide à se rendre au nord'.

<SweeneyTodd> J'ai fait jouer la quête orinigale de Menhir 1 cinq ou six fois, et finalement j'en ai eu marre de faire les choses comme c'était prévu, donc je l'ai modifiée tous les soirs.

<Duncan> Oui, tout ceci commença avec un tout petit module... c'est seulement plus tard que c'est devenu un "monde".

<Twoflower> Et bientôt le "monde" est devenu une "réalité" et nous avons perdu énormément de notre "santé" et bientôt ce sera la "fin" pour nous "tous".

<Duncan> Qui l'a laissé rentrer ?

<Twoflower> ;_;

* SweeneyTodd air quotes 'a laser' (ne me demandez pas ce que ça veut dire, ce doit être les divagations d'un fou)

Questiond de devfrag : Est-ce que toutes les rencontres aléatoires, les PNJs, etc. sont faits à la volée ?

<Twoflower> Ce que nous faisons, c'est que nous avons une grande variété de monstres et PNJs dans la palette custom. De cette façon, ils sont préconstruits avec leur costume et leur histoire, et tout et tout ( les miens ont dans leur inventaire des cartes décrivant leur personnalité), mais ils sont ensuite utilisés à la volée dans le jeu.

<SweeneyTodd> 2f fait un bien meilleur boulot que moi -- mais bon, il construit des modules solos également, il est complet :)

<SweeneyTodd> concernant les rencontres aléatoires, nous ne croyons pas au bien fondé de les placer.

<Twoflower> Toutes les rencontres aléatoires sont faites par les MJs qui disposent ces monstres custom sur le champ de bataille ; les interactions avec les PNJs sont produites en dispoant ces PNJs cutom ou en les faisant flâner dans la zone que vous construisez (mais ils restent dans la palette, au cas où vous en auriez besoin ailleurs).

<Duncan> Et bien, quand j'ai commencé "Pitchforks", la première fois j'ai utilisé les rencontres aléatoires du toolset pour déterminer le nombre de créatures il fallait faire apparaître parmi celles que j'avais créées... Ensuite j'en ai placé manuellement 70% avec le toolset, plaçant les autres en cours de jeu.

<Omnipa> Les PNJs s'améliorent au fur et à mesure d'une "Campagne", tout comme le font les PJs.

<SweeneyTodd> hehe désolé les gars :)

<SweeneyTodd> C'est plus ou moins la façon dont nous gérons les discussions en temps normal.

<Twoflower> Ta punition commencera après le chat.

* Omnipa a l'air effrayé

<Duncan> Mais oui j'utilise des "rencontres aléatoires" très rarement pour avoir une idée du nombre adéquat pour une groupe donné d'un niveau donné.

<Duncan> Ensuite je les enlève.

Question de SoonMot : Quel niveau d'aléatoire y a-t-il dans vos parties ? Est-ce que toutes les rencontes aléatoires sont placées à la volée, ou y a-t-il des zones de monstres errants ?

<SweeneyTodd> Je charge ma barre de raccourcis avec les monstres pour un réglage donné, puis je les place en face du groupe. Parfois seulement une sale ou deux plus loin.

<SweeneyTodd> Nous avons fait certaines de nos zones si souvent que nous savons ce qui va se passer, mais pour certaines c'est plus ouvert.

<Twoflower> Je les laisse gérer le combat pendant que je fait faire à mes petites poupées PNJs leur danse de poupées. Je suis nul en ce qui concerne l'équilibre des combats. Et ils sont excellents pour ça.

<Omnipa> Pas de rencontres aléatoires, au sens du toolset : elles sont placées A la Volée.

<SweeneyTodd> dans M1 et M2 (les premiers modules de nos premières séries), nous avions tout placé... depuis nous avons fait ça à la volée comme le fait 2f.

<Graul> C'est là que plusieurs MJs devient utile. Deux d'entre nous peuvent observer le groupe pendant que les autres placent les rencontres aléatoires.

<Duncan> Et comme Omni aime le faire... "Etre le monstre".

<SweeneyTodd> Et bien, lorsque je farfouill dans le toolset, je passe BEAUCOUP de temps à faire des monstres personnalisés qui apporteront de la difficulté. Ainsi nous n'avons qu'à les disposer, par exemple trois voleurs, un berserker, et un shadowcaster (*magicien des ombres*), et nous savaons que le combat pour traverser les grottes inondées sera sanglant.

<Omnipa> Les rencontres aléatoires placées par les MJs apparaitront sur le dessus du trigger.

<Omnipa> Les combats sont jaugés en fonction de la façon dont se débrouillent les PJs.

<Omnipa> S'ils foncent à travers les ennemies, alors nous en ajoutons.

Question de Elbast : A quel moment déterminez vous que vous avez assez de matériel pour une campagne toute entière ?

<SweeneyTodd> re: the last question, one issue is that I don't find that 'random encounters' actually turn out very random in practice. A party of 4 is going to fire off the encounter in almost exactly the same configuration. so we rely on manual placement for NPC variety

<Twoflower> FSG had the Menhir part of their world already established when I joined in. I played one of their games, loved the idea of building a world, and volunteered to contribute. Carved out an undeclared hunk of land and banged out a persistent world's worth of areas and NPCs in 4 days :)

<SweeneyTodd> (he was a fiend)

<Twoflower> That's the way it's grown so much, the 'world' is divided into areas where each DM defines their own zone, cultures, peoples, monsters, etc. The common link is geography and a set of nasty legendary godlike bastards called the Nine.

<Omnipa> It provides someplace for everyone to be From

<SweeneyTodd> Menhir was a module with six areas. Then it was two with maybe fifteen total. Then, yes, the Nine came into the picture, and Garnak's world map, and we started realizing all these pieces could fit together into a cohesive whole

<SweeneyTodd> nothing against forgotten realms, but none of us are fans. I dont know it, I couldnt fake it. And carving up a continent and making it from scratch turned out to be a lot of fun.

<SweeneyTodd> just to get everyone on the same page --

<Graul> I like Forgotten Realms. :(

<SweeneyTodd> Menhir Plains was my and Duncan's baby, Twoflower came up with the HodgePodge, Garnak the Songs of the Wine Dark Sea, and Duncan Pitchforks. (there are some more coming as well)

<SweeneyTodd> well graul's area is perhaps a bit more influenced :)

<Omnipa> Plus the fact that you have to then deal with Rules Lawyers if you use an existing Realm, and are unable to alter stories "everybody knows"

Question by Origon: In regards to multiple DM's are there any pitfalls to avoid that most people would normally make?

<SweeneyTodd> Multiple DMing is a blast, it does take practice though.

<Graul> You MUST use Teamspeak or Roger Wilco if you want to use multiple DMs or you'll have incredible headaches coordinating.

<SweeneyTodd> The most important thing is that you hash out ahead of time who'll be working on what. voice comms are vital for that. (we're coordinating ourselves that way now ;) )

<Omnipa> Too much typing if you don't use a voice assist

<Omnipa> Coordinate your Game

<SweeneyTodd> for instance, we'll go into an area, the person who's 'in charge' that night will tell us what the general theme of the upcoming scene is. then we'll take NPCs to talk, or to fight, as needed.

<SweeneyTodd> The biggest physical pitfall/error is that you should never limbo a monster that has another DM in it

<SweeneyTodd> it forces them to reconnect

Question by J: how fast can you type? or do you have some preselected sayings in a text file so you can copy and paste? otherwise, improv seems to be quite a finger wearing ordeal

<Omnipa> I hunt and peck while looking at my keyboard

<Twoflower> I do 90 WPM. No preselected sayings in a text file; it's too inflexible. But the finger wearing ordeal is very important, if you want your players to feel like they're talking a living person; no precanned responses.

<Twoflower> You can cut down on typing by using voice chat with your DMs. That way you save your typing for NPC posession alone.

<SweeneyTodd> we have a VERY LARGE differential in typing speeds in our crew. I type as fast as I talk, which is too fast. Others of us are slower and so use some tools we have added.

<SweeneyTodd> For instance, things that arent' going to change we have automated (breaking my rule about no scripts? heh)

Question by devfrag: What are some methods you have used to slow a party down? (i.e. moving too quick for your taste)

<Twoflower> Give them treasure chests to root through :) * Omnipa holds up his Sniper Bow

<SweeneyTodd> i used to get low marks for treasure in games, because i wouldnt give any until session end

<Twoflower> ...or kill them, yes, Om.

<SweeneyTodd> one chest - armor, two swords, a bow, a wand. The Dms can go afk for 10 minutes. I"m not exaggerating at all

<Omnipa> They move REALLY slow after Death

<SweeneyTodd> but let me talk to pacing a moment.

<Graul> I drop hordes of monsters in their path and try my best to make them die.

<SweeneyTodd> graul is REALLY good at that

<SweeneyTodd> pacing consists of a few things -- NPC interaction, combat, and triage (healing/recuperation)

<SweeneyTodd> it's easy enough to have an NPC talk to the PCs for ten minutes -- youd be surprised how long a simple conversation will go with a party of interested players.

<Omnipa> or a Player to Player dialogue

<SweeneyTodd> for combat, we like to have a bit of exploration, some fighting, and repeat. Menhir 1 is five areas, and we never finish in less than four hours.

<SweeneyTodd> and that ties into resting:

<SweeneyTodd> we tried a lot of complex scripting, then punted. we said 'okay, message the DMs when you want as a party to rest, and we'll tell you if you as a character think it is safe.'

<SweeneyTodd> In that four hour, five area game, we have I think three rests at a maximum.

<SweeneyTodd> That's for a level 5 party. At level 1, you'd obviously want more.

<Duncan> Yes I love the fact that we start most of our campaigns at five

<SweeneyTodd> We also use a death system lifted from Teiwaz's Parthenon series (thanks Teiwaz!) that relies on healing kits as a nonrenewable resource. As a result, people slow down to pace themselves, because resting does not bring them to 100% effectiveness.

<SweeneyTodd> Absolutely. I don't know how to balance for parties under 5. I think Garnak's had some luck with it, though.

Question by RedR: how do you handle respawning on death in your games?

<Twoflower> I think you have to run it like a Paranoia campaign -- six clones per player.

<Duncan> It is nice not to have to really worry about the safety of the party... the game moves a little quick and a prty of level ones can be taken out quick.

<Twoflower> As mentioned, we have a heal-kit system in all our mods. The way it works is that if someone dies, if anybody in the party uses a healkit on them, they pop back to life with some hitpoints. That way, you're never completely hosed unless the players aren't healing each other.

<Omnipa> and the difficulty slider won't stop them from dying

<Twoflower> When we do have a TPK, I see it as an opportunity for some added story and roleplay -- maybe the enemies capture the PCs, or a godlike helper who's been waiting in the shadows swoops in to lend a hand and drop mysterious story hints.

<SweeneyTodd> in other words, no respawn.

<Twoflower> Right. None.

<SweeneyTodd> I don't like respawning, and i'm not a fan of XP penalties or lengthy 'lets find a healer for our fly-speckled buddy' quests. :)

<Omnipa> Respawn is for Non DMed games

<SweeneyTodd> thats part of our 'do the simplest thing that could work'. let them heal each other, and keep the game moving forward.

<SweeneyTodd> (thanks for bearing with us -- we hae built up a decent queue of questions)

<Duncan> For me it was playing in the Parthenon series as a level one player.. it was that feeeling of having to kep everyone alive that was excellent.. you could not just charge forward and win.

<Duncan> or simply respawn

<Omnipa> Being in danger of dying in the next battle will do alot for pacing as well

<Duncan> And we brought that feeling to a DMd game... where we can focus on the story. and not so much the mechanics... but you have to play as a team for that to work.

Question by Origon: How do you normally deal with uncoopreative/disruptive/evil players?

<SweeneyTodd> they dont last long, interestingly enough

<Omnipa> amazing how that happens

<SweeneyTodd> Duncan is a logistics master...

<SweeneyTodd> he screens applications carefully for team players. we've done games where players are in conflict IC...

<SweeneyTodd> but rarely, and usually we find its more of a hassle than a benefit.

<SweeneyTodd> We do lean towards 'heroic fantasy', and we typically have some reason as to why the party is, if not friends, willing to trust each other with their lives.

<Duncan> We just don't have the time for it. If you want to play evil.. I suggest you find a DM and be a "villian for hire". We want to have a nice friendly game.

<SweeneyTodd> because we can. :) that's the great thing about being the boss -- you can bend people to your will, not because its an ego trip, but because it makes for a more enjoyable game for all.

<Twoflower> And if all else fails, kill them.

Question by J: is there anything you would add to the modules you run via scripting that you feel would aid you (such as things the DM client doesn't do)? what things have you already found useful?

<SweeneyTodd> first off, we do have a 'base'.

<SweeneyTodd> all our modules get bulit upon a series of scripts and items, and it looks like we're going to be releasing that to the public soon, soon as we feel it's fully cleaned up.

<SweeneyTodd> there are only a few, and i'll go through the scripts and duncan can talk about the wands, which I think are key.

<Duncan> Which includes all the player made wands... The DM Helper, The Emote Wand, The FX wand.. they are all in one package...

<Twoflower> Enhancementwise, I wish that the client allowed for greater sexual interaction between characters. Jiggly hak is a start, but for the good of the NWN community, more is required. Otherwise I might have to switch to doing Morrowind mods. ^_^

<Duncan> We also use the DM Wand of FX version 2 and the rod of affliction. What else Sweeney?

<SweeneyTodd> Duncan's done some great work on the wand of FX so that it gives narrator messages

<Twoflower> Woohoo!

<SweeneyTodd> one click and the players see in thin air "Narrator: This caravan has been ransacked... several wagons are missing."

<Duncan> (No Jiggly hak here btw)

<Omnipa> I love the narrator

<SweeneyTodd> we also have a VERY simple script that gives descriptive text when you step on a trigger. Those are fun. So you walk into a room and will see in your chat window

<SweeneyTodd> "The acrid smell of burning meat fills this small cave."

<SweeneyTodd> finally we use Talmuds Shaper Tool sometimes, which I love...

<SweeneyTodd> it allows you to generate areas on the fly using placeable 'presets'. We ran a game once in a single blank area using just the FX, DM, and Shaper wands.

<SweeneyTodd> i have an anecdote about wands vs. scripting but i can save that.

<SweeneyTodd> basically, I found out through play that while the amazingly complex script routine I made got blown through in five minutes...

<SweeneyTodd> I put a rock down, used a wand to make it glow, and the players spent an hour trying to unearth its secrets

<SweeneyTodd> i didnt have a solution to the quest of the Amazing Rock and so I let them riff until they did something interesting, then used the FX wand to make a big 'boom' and teleported them to the secret dungeon.

<SweeneyTodd> sounds really silly, right? But in game, it absolutely worked.

<Duncan> Yes all of these wands are on the NWVault and are community made... what an amazing community of scripters and designers we have ;)

<Duncan> As far as how things get on the wand... Game 1... we type descriptions on the fly as needed. Game two.. refine those thoughts to the triggers ST was speaking of... Game three they are on the wand and ready for all future runs of that adventure

Question by MiloDeVanderbeck: How much emphasis do you place on characters correctly playing their alignments? Would you intervene if a character stepped out of those bounds too far? If so, how?

<Twoflower> Personally (since I know the other FSGers will probably disagree) I don't enforce alignment and I don't change alignment via points based on their actions. As long as someone's roleplaying in an entertaining manner and having fun, their Lawful Good Paladan may jaywalk, skip jury duty and not recycle all he likes. :)

<Omnipa> LOL

<Twoflower> "Hey, kids... always recycle. TO THE EXTREME!!"

<Twoflower> (That's chaotic good btw)

<SweeneyTodd> All I care about is whether or not the character is interesting.

<SweeneyTodd> I have adjusted alignments in the past (although you have to de-group someone to do it with the DM wand)

<Duncan> Yes I think alignment is important... I am old school. And I think actions deserve a reaction if they are extreme.

<SweeneyTodd> we've had freewheeling clerics of Tempus start lugging around zombie minions, twelve year old boys learn to drink beer from dryads, and I think once in Wine Dark Sea a lovesick paladin started kiling people at random.

<SweeneyTodd> those sorts of things do justify alignment changes

<Twoflower> Don't forget all the yuri luvluv going on in Wine Dark Sea.

<SweeneyTodd> right, the err 'healing bath of saffrodite'

<SweeneyTodd> i like flawed heroes.

<SweeneyTodd> instead of an alignment bump, most often they get some rather nasty and subtle in-game effects happen to them. :)

<SweeneyTodd> i find that one of the most useful plot hooks

Question by J: when screening for characters prior to a session, what sort of questions do you ask applicants? and when looking at the responses, what usually gains your attention (eg. good description, interesting read, zany ideas, etc.)?

<Twoflower> Writing quality, first and foremost. The ability to creatively respond to the question (usually a 'What would you do in this situation?' type question) in a way that's well typed, interesting, not too long, not too short. I want RP ability first and foremost. Cuttin' stuff up with a sword is secondary.

<Duncan> I handle scheduling for 2 and sometimes 3 of our campaigns. Here is how we do it. Usually we run "Prelude" games... these are "application games" on NWC. I ask two questions... 1) Will you play nice in a group.. and 2)List your top three class choices. Easy as that.

<Duncan> Then we go from there

Question by RedR: What are your future plans as far as classes, campaigns and such?

<SweeneyTodd> First off, DM 102 is coming down the pike pretty soon. That takes the general principles we use and shows DMs how to apply them.

<SweeneyTodd> We have four campaigns running now IIRC, and two coming. Menhir Plains is waiting for its first party to come back to tackle the frozen north,

<SweeneyTodd> and I believe another party is starting it. I'll let these folks talk to their own campaigns.

<Twoflower> Right now I'm running The Hodge Podge, which is still running, so it counts as 'future'. It'll be finishing in a session or two; I'll either restart with new players or continue the one I have, not sure. My current players may kill me if I ditch them, though. I wish I had time for more, really, but I've got a patently obvious other NWN interest to cope with :)

<Omnipa> I have a Campaign starting shortly that is based in a Rural setting, but stay pretty busy with day to day community activities

<SweeneyTodd> basically, we are all continuing our games, and hope to work in more runs and one-shots as time permits.

<Graul> My campaign is starting up next month. A sort of post-apocalyptic desert wasteland ran by a wizard and sorceror hating Spanish Inquisition type Order.

<Omnipa> Shadows of What?

<Omnipa> oops

<Duncan> I started "Pitchforks" in December with the "Prelude" runs. The first group started 3 weeks ago and 2 others are ready to start.It is an open-ended free form campaign that strays far from our basic design principles.

Question by Elbast: (again appologies): You've built up a solid following in the NWN community, there are many outside the US who'd love to get a Fleet Street Game sometime. Is there any news about possible Euro- or Asia- friendly FS games for the future?

<SweeneyTodd> good question, that. most of us have day jobs, so it can be a scheduling issue on weekdays.

<SweeneyTodd> I know Omni has run some GMT DM 101 classes.

<Omnipa> The Time difference is the biggest factor, though I do alot of things Euro Friendly

<Twoflower> I curse my workaday existence. I am a white collar slave. Soon I will break the chains of unemployment and run wild and naked with the beasts. Then I'll get a new job because I don't like starving

<SweeneyTodd> hey if we could do this full time we would... :) * Omnipa passes the horned helm

<Duncan> We have run some GMT friendly games.. and maybe this spring we can do some Saturday night games for ya ;)

Question by SoonMot: You mentioned not being a fan of Evil characters, but as a player and PnP DM of Evil characters, I've found that most people are thinking Chaotic evil, which is incredably disruptive, as opposed to Lawful evil, which can

<Omnipa> There is a difference between being disruptive to the Game World, and disruptive to your party

<Twoflower> The problem isn't 'evil', exactly. It's 'disruptive'. If a character's actions messes with the story, throwing it off the rails (and PKing usually counts in that regard) then it's gonna be a problem.

<Omnipa> This is a Team Effort, DMs and Players

<Twoflower> Lawful Evil that can get along and work with the party, heal them when they're down, accomplish goals, etc. regardless of what nefarious motivations they have? A-OK. Evil that likes to backstab the party and run wild and scheme and break the story? Bad.

<Omnipa> Usually somebody wanting to be disruptive detracts from everybodies Game

<Omnipa> I do have a section in my campaign for the Players to be Orcs

<SweeneyTodd> we tried 'bring whatever you want', but in four hours its hard enough to squeeze in the main plot and a sidequest! inter party conflict just got rather stale to us.

<Omnipa> but from the Orcs point of view, the Humans are Evil, all a matter of perspective

<SweeneyTodd> right, having a different point of view is interesting. just mucking up the rest of the party is boring.

Question by J: have you any definite plans on changes to your sessions based on the upcoming Shadows of Undrentide?

<Twoflower> Me personally: No, not for my NWC campaigns. I plan to use it for single player mods, but the new tilesets / extras aren't much impact on my campaigning.

<SweeneyTodd> we already have started using custom content, and so having 'official' new custom content isnt something we feel like we have to wait for.

<SweeneyTodd> people have become less hak-averse these days. certainly it'll get used once it's considered common.

Question by HaldirLunamist: I've always been on the lookout for DM101 classes but somehow manage to miss them is there one particular DM that often teaches DM 101?

* Twoflower e-mails Todd with "i cant run your game. wheres teh hak?!!?1?"

<Omnipa> If I say me are you ganna spam my message system?

<Omnipa> I either teach or sit in on every class

<Omnipa> There is a section at the NwConnections site that lists the games

<Omnipa> er...classes

<Duncan> yes we have our own page now on NWC for DM101

<SweeneyTodd> front page of www.neverwinterconnections.com -- great site guys :)

<Duncan> Look for the Dward holding a mug and a sign.. he will tell ya all you need to know about DM101

<Duncan> err Dwarf ;)

<Omnipa> Dwarf you knob

<SweeneyTodd> lets take a moment too to flog our own web site:

<Omnipa> oops, wrong window

<SweeneyTodd> http://www.fleetstreetgaming.com/

<Twoflower> NAUGHTY website! *wuhCRACK*

<SweeneyTodd> we will probably be linking the news we have to that site as well as announcing on NWC

<SweeneyTodd> props to 2f and duncan for the website look and feel and the custom images -- and garnaks' great world map

<SweeneyTodd> you shoulda seen that site when i started. :( never let a programmer touch html.

<Twoflower> He converted it from Word documents. STRAIGHT from Word.

<Twoflower> WORD XP. * SweeneyTodd ducks

<Duncan> Yeah well dont look at the source.. Twoflower is still flogging me as well ;) * Omnipa cues the laughter

<Twoflower> As a web professional I felt the immediate need to put him to death by lethal injection, but I relented and revamped the graphics instead. :)

<SweeneyTodd> this was appreciated * Omnipa sadly puts away TheNeedle

<SweeneyTodd> To move towards wrapping up, we'll be releasing the Fleet Street base with scripts, wands, and a few sample areas on NWVault around the end of the month.

<SweeneyTodd> Combine that with the improv practice we'll do in DM102, and we're hoping people can pick up our methods and run with them. There's no special tricks, really, it's just the way of DMing we have found works the best for us.

<SweeneyTodd> I see a lot of people on chat, on the boards, stuck for _weeks_ building intricate scripts and conversations, and my thought is that maybe we can let some people free to just DM.

Question from J: how often do you yourselves get to play as players, rather than as DMs?

<SweeneyTodd> not enough :) these guys are a blast to play with

<Twoflower> Not bloody well often enough. I could do it more, but then I'd have to give up two of the following: A) eating B) sleeping C) showering D) breathing. But I do get to play as 'a ringer' in some of the Menhir games.

<Omnipa> occasionally, but not as much as I would like

<Twoflower> I';m done

<Duncan> Yes our band of Clerics is most fun to play.. Red had this neutral band of misfits in his module one night... I really enjoy playing.

<Twoflower> (wrong window)

<Omnipa> sometimes there will be a persistant NPC who will have an extended showing, thats close to being a Player

<SweeneyTodd> Graul and Omni were originally players in the first Menhir campaign. And we like to do HYDRA nights from time to time -- we had a blast tearing through Crystal Tower 2 under Omni's malificent eye.

<Omnipa> Bwuahhahaha

<SweeneyTodd> Then we have people like Slare who's our resident playtester. Basically, we like to mix things up when we can....

<Twoflower> Yeah, Dee Swift's appeared in games that are 40 years apart. She's sort of a Menhir staple.

<Omnipa> But we would like to play in others Campaigns as well, unfortunatly I cannot stretch time

<SweeneyTodd> but most of the time DMing we're spending more time running NPCs. I'd consider Duncan's play of Old Freddy, or 2f's Grimknot, to be as well fleshed out as any PC

<Duncan> ST and I even have PCs in Menhir... though we haven't had a chance to bring them in yet.

<SweeneyTodd> or Grauls' Butcher. *shudders*

<Graul> :)

<SweeneyTodd> Maybe that ties back into the alignment thing :) One of Graul's characters went berserk in such an entertaining way that he's now a staple villian.

<Duncan> But he went nuts over 3 sessions.. and at our prodding because he picked up a most nasty weapon...

Question by J: do you feel that BW have revolutionised online role-playing with the DM client, or would you still be inclined to play RPGs without such an ability?

<Twoflower> I never played PnP before, not enough people local to me (and when they were, they made me be DM). NWN's online play is a miracle in terms of playing this game from afar, and the DM client lets you really open it up to anything you want to play.

<SweeneyTodd> I spent a lot of time as a kid making campaigns I never got to play -- now I'm a 30 year old software professional. I actually am in one PNP game, but it's a hassle to schedule.

<Duncan> I played in the late 70s for a few years... But I had not played a game of any sort for 3 years before NWN came out... the toolset, server and DM abilities were key and make it a very unique experience.

<SweeneyTodd> So for me being able to tinker and build offline, then book out a solid four hour Sunday night session to play, means I can do this, when I wouldnt really be able to otherwise.

Question by devfrag: Tech question... Linux or Windows for the FSG servers?

<Duncan> Windows

<Twoflower> BeOS

<SweeneyTodd> you're gonna laugh :) Before Duncan took up the tech side, the FSG server was my celeron 450 laptop

<Omnipa> It is not just the DM Client, but the Player and Builder too, that makes Nw cool

<Omnipa> sorry I am slow

<SweeneyTodd> yeah, 2f, trust an OS made by a frenchman. :P

<Twoflower> Zut!

<Omnipa> The server uses very little resources

<Duncan> The main game server runs on a P4 2Ghz with a Gig of ram... now if i can get my ISP back in 100% we will be in great shape.

<Omnipa> oui Tf

<SweeneyTodd> if you run the servers separately from the dm client, you dont need much horsepower. duncan has a 'grotto' in his recording studio though, and when the connections happy thats where we base everything

<Omnipa> Also Players systems and connections are a factor

<Omnipa> 56k [1]CAN[1] DM though

<Duncan> And play fine as well.. two of our regulars are on 56k playing

<RedR> Alright, Thank you all from the Fleet Street team for coming and doing this chat for us tonight, as well all the great folks who came out and helped make this a great event! Now I would like to open the channel to open chat. Please be respectful and play nice otherwise you will have to suffer the wraith of Balrog =) * Omnipa glares at Balrog

<Twoflower> Unleash the marmosets!

<RedR> Thank you all, its been a great event!

<SweeneyTodd> hey, thanks to RedR, elbast, rezk, and stick668 for running the shindig

<Twoflower> Mad propz y'all.

<SweeneyTodd> and thanks for coming out folks

<Duncan> :)

<Omnipa> Yes, Thanks Y'all

<J> hehe

<Elbast[QT]> Thanks for coming and spilling the beans

<J> back to multi-channel conversations then ;) * MiloDeVanderbeck applauds.

<SweeneyTodd> we can let this degenerate into the traditional Fleet Street free-for-all now :)

<Origon> he

<RedR> aye

<Graul> You were such an excellent crowd. So quiet the whole way through. :P

<SoonMot> Thanks for the answers everyone! * devfrag *offers glass for cheers

<Arawen> Thank you!

<Omnipa> Excellent, I have been restraining myself

<RedR> anyone feel free to ask whatever, well, NWN or NWC or FS related ;)

<Twoflower> I was disappointed that nobody formed a mosh pit.

<Elbast[QT]> we'll have

<insert london streetname here> Cliques appearing all over now

<Graul> yea, that was a little disheartening.

<Madduxx> I came in late, will the entire chat be available somewhere? *** Elbast[QT] is now known as Elbast

<Omnipa> umm...can somebody untie my left paw?

<Twoflower> No.

<J> I have a question: is anybody here a cartographer, coz I'm looking at Garnak's map, and want to know what imaging tools he used to do it, coz I can never make it look nice like that?? tips anyone??

<Twoflower> Garnak assembled the bits on his hard drive using his mutant ability of magnetism

<Origon> If you guys could kill one NPC out of any module who would it be and why?

<J> :D

<Twoflower> Soon all the fleshlings will bow before his almighty hand

<Madduxx> If not, did anyone save the log and is willing to share it? I don't want to repeat questions.

<J> Glod Gloddson... the guy gets everywhere :)

<Omnipa> repeat away

<Arawen> Maduxx, I have a partial log

<Twoflower> Mad: I'm pretty sure a log of this will find its way to the Vault, right organizers..?

<Omnipa> and yes, this has been a Logged event Madduxx

<J> I have the log, yeah

<SweeneyTodd> I think he painted that map?

<Origon> so everyone had better have behaved themslelves

<J> certainly some sort of texture work has been done on it

<Steck> Twoflower: I'll put something together to post

<Graul> painted, no way. garnak isnt that talented :)

<Omnipa> Aye, I believe he used a terrain generator, setting in the parameters

<SweeneyTodd> hehe shows what i know

<Omnipa> I think * Origon is glad we have this insane people here DMing instead of roaming the streets causing mass chaos * SweeneyTodd nods sagely

<J> really, where can i find one and are they free?

<Origon> *these

<Omnipa> garnak [1]IS[1] a talented artist as well

<Twoflower> Reminds me of a fantasy world I did one on the Continent of D'Padd. It was shaped like a plus. The Isle of Aeons and Isle of Beasts were to the right of it, near Start Cove and Select Reef.

<Madduxx> Excuse my ignorance here. I'm new to NWC (about a week). Can someone define what Fleet Street gaming is to me like I'm a noob?

<Duncan> garnak is the map man, and sadly he is not here... I wish I knew ;)

<Twoflower> Origon: Day ain't over yet. * Stick668[QT] thinks the really talented people can BOTH cause chaos and DM, often at the same time.

<Graul> whatever, garnak has no skills.

<Graul> :) *** Stick668[QT] is now known as Stick668

<Graul> i'll have to call the bum and see where he was tonight.

<Omnipa> Post that question up in the forum J, he prowls there, he was occupied this evening B(

<Origon> I am going to lock my doors and windows tonight

<J> i do that whenever I come on IRC

<Twoflower> We have crowbars.

<J> stops my sanity from escaping *** Rezk{QT} is now known as Rezk

<Origon> I have a fired bo staff

<Omnipa> FleetStreet Gaming is a collection of DMs who contribute to each others projects

<Omnipa> lending their strengths the the whole

<Twoflower> We also share love. Physically.

<J> where'd that come from?

<Origon> and will beat any intruders A$$ into the ground with it

<HaldirLunamist> how does one get into a FS game? are they invite games only?

<Duncan> omg *smacks 2f*

<Twoflower> Ow.

<Omnipa> You promised not to tell Tf

<Omnipa> Hal- no

<J> I guess join the guild, I sent the URL to RedR, but he didn't post it

<Graul> [ 8:33:pm ] [@Twoflower] We also share love. P

<Graul> WTF!?!?!

<J> http://www.neverwinterconnections.com/guilds/fleet_street/

<J> ah

<Omnipa> They start as Prelude, application games

<J> still got it

<RedR> aye J, I forwarded the info =)

<RedR> thank you

<SweeneyTodd> also http://www.fleetstreetgaming.com

<Omnipa> then we move to invite from there

<Duncan> OK we do application games on NWC.. these are our "Preludes"... then we run this game 4-5 times with different groups and then form parties based on these games

<Duncan> yes what Omni said

<HaldirLunamist> ahh i see ty Omnipa

<Twoflower> Haldir: Mine start as application then shift to invite only once the party's established. And I would like to start running oneshots, but my life expectancy is telling me to do other things like food and sleep

<Omnipa> we also run the Preludes as Open games

Traduit en français par Gorkk pour la Bibliothèque de Neverwinter
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